IEEE 802.3bu-2016 pdf free
IEEE 802.3bu-2016 pdf free.IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 8: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for Power over Data Lines (PoDL) of Single Balanced Twisted-Pair Ethernet.
change paragraph of 30.2.3 UN follows:A containment relationship is a structuring relationship for managed objects in which the existence of a managed object is dependent on the existence of a containing managed object. The contained managed object is said to be the subordinate managed object, and the containing managed object the superior managed object. The containment relationship is used for naming managed objects. The local containment relationships among object classes are depicted in the entity relationship diagrams. Figure 30—3 through Figure These figures show the names of the object classes and whether a particular containment relationship is one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-one. For further requirements on this topic, see IEEE Std X02.IF-1993. PSE and PoDI. PSE management rt-only valid in a system that provides management at the next higher containment level, that is, either a DTF, or in the case of PSE management only, a repeater or Midspan with management.
change the first paragraph in 30.2.5 as follows:This standard makes use of the concept of packages as defined in ISO/IEC 10165-4:1992 as a means of grouping behaviour, attributes, actions, and notifications within a managed object class definition. Packages may either be mandatory, or be conditional, that is to say, present if a given condition is true. Within this standard capabilities are defined, each of which corresponds to a set of packages. which are components of a number of managed object class delinitions and which share the same condition for presence. Implementation of the appropriate Basic and Mandatory packages is the minimum requirement for claiming conformance to IEEE 802.3 Management. Implementation of an entire optional capability is required in order to claim contbrmance to that capability. The capabilities and packages for IEEE 802.3 Management are specified in Table 30—la through Table 30-9 Table 30—10.
change the ninth paragraph as follows:For managed PSEs, the PSE Basic Package is mandatory and the PSE Recommended Package is optional. For managed PoDI. PSEs. the PoDLPSE Basic Package is mandatory and the PoDI..PSE Recommended Package is optional. For managed PDs, the PD Basic Package is mandatory. For a managed PSE to be conformant to this standard, it shall hilly implement the PSE Basic Package. For a managed PoDL PSE to be cont.wmant to this standard, it shall fully implement the PoDLPSE Basic Package. For a managed PD to be confbrmant to this standard, it shall fully implement the PD Basic Package. For a managed PSE to he conformant to the optional Recommended Package it shall implement that entire package. For a managed PoD!. PSF. to be conlhrmant to the optional PoDI. PSE Recommended Package it shall implement that entire package. PSE —PD. PoDI. PSE. and PoD!. PD management is optional with respect to all other CSMA/CD management.IEEE 802.3bu pdf download.