IEEE 515-2004 pdf free
IEEE 515-2004 pdf free.lEEE Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Heat Tracing for Industrial Applications.
3. Definitions
The following definitions apply to the subject matter presented in this standard.
3.1 ambient temperature: The temperature surrounding the object under consideration. Where an electrical heating device is enclosed in thermal insulation, the ambient temperature is the temperature exterior to the thermal insulation.
3.2 braid or sheath: Matallic braid, metallie sheath, or other equivalent electrically conductive material intended to provide an electrical path to operate an electrical protection device.
3.3 certifying agency: Organization that validates that equipment meets tests and standards.
3.4 cold lead: An electrically insulated conductor used to connect a heating conductor to the branch-circuit conductors and designed so as not to produce appreciable heat.
3.5 connections: Terminations and splices used to attach a heating device to power wiring or to connect sections of devices.
3.6 dead leg: A segment of process piping that is not in the normal flow pattern.
3.7 INs ision 1: Tcrminology used for classification of an industrial area in which flammahlc gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustihlc dusts, or ignitable fibcrs or flyings can be present under normal conditions, or from frequent breakdowns, or whcrc failure of equipment could release materials and create simultaneous failure of electrical equipment.
NOTE—Sec thc NEC for a detailed definition.5
3J Division 2: Terminology used for classification of an industrial area in which flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dusts, or ignitable fibers or flyings will only be present under abnormal conditions,
NOTE—See the NEC for a detailed definition.
3.9 electrical insulation: A dielectric material that insulates each conductor from other conductors or from conductive parts at or near earth potential.
3.10 electrical resistance heat tracing: The utilization of electric heating cables, other electric heating devices, and support components that arc externally applied and used to maintain or raise the temperature of fluidsmaterials in piping and associated equipment.
3.11 end termination connection: The termination applied to the end of a heating cable that may be heat producing, opposite to where the power is supplied.
3.12 factory fabricated: A heating device assembled by the manufacturer, including end terminations and connections.
3.13 field assembled: A heating device supplied in bulk form with terminating components assembled on site.
3.14 heating device: Heating cable or surface heating unit.
3.15 heat loss: A quantitative value of energy flow from a pipe, vessel, or equipment to the surrounding ambient.
3.16 heat sink: A part that conducts and dissipates heat away from the pipe or equipment. Heat sinks, as related to pipe heating systems. can be pipe supports, valve operators. etc.
3.17 heat-tracing circuit: A heat-tracing circuit is comprised of one or more heating devices or segments connected to branch wiring of a single-circuit protection device.IEEE 515 pdf download.