IEEE 3006.9-2013 pdf free
IEEE 3006.9-2013 pdf free.IEE E Recommended Practice for Collecting Data for Use in Reliability,Availability, and Maintainability Assessments of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
For the purposes of this document, the Ibllowing terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should bc consulted for terms not dctincd in this clause.
Some commonly used terms in system reliability analyses arc defined here. These terms arc also used in the wider context of system reliability activities, These definitions are referenced in several reliability publications, and thc formulas can be verified in the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) Toolkit for commercial practices, page 12, or Mll.-STD-339. l)etinitions include the following:
avaiIahilit: (A) (general) The ability of an item—under combined aspects of its reliability, maintainability, and maintenance support—to perform its required function at a stated instant of time or over a stated period of time. (B) (As a performance metric for individual components or a system) The long-term average fraction of time that a component or system is in service and satisfactorily performing its intended function. (C) (As a future prediction) The instantaneous probability that a component or system will be in operation at time I.
component: A piece of electrical or nchanical equipment viewed as an entity br the purpose of reliability evaluation.
failure (f): The termination of the ability of a component or system to perform a required function.
failure rate a.): The mean (arithmetic average, also known as the forced outage rate) is the number of failures of a component andor system per unit exposure time. The most common unit in reliability analyses is hours (h) or years (y). Therefore, the failure rate is expressed in failures per hour (f’h) or failures per year (fly).
inherent aailabilitv (M): Long-term average fraction of time that a component or system is in service and satisfactorily performing its intended function. Al considers only downtime for repair of failures. No logistics time, preventative maintenance. etc., is included.
maintenance down time (NIDT): The total down time for scheduled maintenance (including logistics time, including spare parts availability, crew availability, etc) for a given total period (TP) in hours.
niea,t don tame (lDT): The average downtime caused by scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. including any logistics time. This is synonymous with mean time to restore system (MTTRS) as found in some publications.
mean lime bctseen failures (MTBF): The arithmetic mean of the times (observed or calculated) between random failures of a component or system.
mean time between maintenance (ITBN1): The average time between all maintenance events, scheduled and unscheduled, and includes any associated logistics time.
mean time to failure (MTTF): The mean exposure time between consecutive repairs (or installations) of a component and the next failure of that component. MTTF is commonly found for non-repairable items such as bulbs, etc.IEEE 3006.9 pdf free download.