IEEE 1613-2009 pdf free
IEEE 1613-2009 pdf free.IEEE Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for Communications Networking Devices Installed in Electric Power Substations.
5.3.2 Impulse test requirements
Impulse voltage tests are considered design tests,
Impulse tests, in accordance with this standard. may be repeated once by the user only on new devices to determine whether specifications are Ililfihled. New devices, for the purpose of this test. are delincd as (hose that have not been in service, are not more than I year old from the date of shipment. and have been suitably stored to prevent deterioration,
5.3.3 Points to be impulse tested
Impulse voltage tests shall be applied as follows:
a) Between each independent circuit and the ground circuit. The terminals of each independent
circuit may be connected together. For devices with an insulating enclosure, the ground circuit shall be represented by a metal foil covering the entire enclosure except the terminals around which a suitable gap shall be left so as to avoid flashover to the terminals.
b) Between independent circuit groups, with the temiinals of each independent circuit in the group being connected together. Independent circuit groups are to be detined by the manufacturer.
c) Between the terminals of a given circuit unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
d) Circuits rated 50 V or less and not intended for connection to voltage transformers, current transthrmers. or the dc battery source shall be excluded from impulse testing. These circuits shall be tested per Clause 6.
NOTI When testing equipment incorporating components across the test circuit (e.g., voltage suppression), the lest voltage may be noticeably distorted or chopped according to the characteristics of the voltage limiting components.
5.3.4 Impulse test method
During the impulse testing. no input or auxiliary cnergiiing quantity shall be applied to the device.
Test voltage shall be directly applied to the device terminals.
Three positive and three negative impulses shall be applied. The interval between each impulse shall be I s or greater.
5.3.5 Criteria for acceptance of Impulse test
During the impulsc cst, no breakdown or tiashover shall occur and no components shall be damaged. After the test, the device shall still comply with all relevant performance requirements.
6. Surge withstand capability (SWC) tests
Required surge test methods are identical to those specified in IEEE Sid C37.90.I-2002 1B91. Standardized test waveforms that are representative of surges observed and measured in actual substation installations arc applied to thc terminals of Ihc dcvicc.
6.1 Scope
This subclause specifies design tests for communications networking devices that relate to the immunity of these deviccs to repetitive elcctrical transients. Two types of tests arc specified. Thc oscillatory and fast transient SWC tests are defined as distinct tests. However, it is not intended to prohibit a combined test, provided all requirements of the individual SWU tests are met.
6.2 Purpose
The purpose is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of communications networking devices when subjected to repetitive transients on supply, signal. control, and communication lines or connections.
6.3 Test waveforms
The oscillatory and fast transient test waveforms are defined in 6.3.1 and 6.3.2.IEEE 1613 pdf download.