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IEEE 1484.13.4-2016 pdf free

IEEE 1484.13.4-2016 pdf free.IEEE Recommended Practice for Learning Technology -IMS Content Packaging Information Model (CP) Version 1 .2 Mapping to the Conceptual Model for Resource Aggregation.
propert: A characteristic that defines a relationship of a specific kind between two classes or sets of classes. A properly has exactly one domain and one range. Which classes arc selected as the domain and which as the range is arbitrary. In other words, a property can be interpreted in both directions with two distinct but related inlcrprctations. Property names arc dcsigncd to be semantically meaningful and grammatically correct when read from domain to range. Inverse property names arc designed to be semantically meaningfiul and grammatically correct when read from range to domain. Properties can also be specialized in the same manner as classes, resulting in parentchild relationships between superproperties and their subproperties. Like a class, a property is characterized by an intention, which is conveyed by a scope note. See also: class; class instance; domain; intention; range; scope note; subproperty; superproperty
property instance: An instantiation of a property that defines the domain and range of a relationship between two classes or sets of classes. For example, class X may be “containedBy” another classY. In this example. “containedHy” is the instantiation of the property. The inverse property in this example would be “contains,” i.e., class Y “contains” class X. See also: class; domain; property; property instance; range.
range: The set of instances o a given class to which a property can be applied. For example. the range ot property A might consist of those instances of class X and class Y that exhibit properly A. A property can link only to instances of the classes that serve as its range. See also: class; class instance; domain; property.
representation. A method or syntax for serializing data. For example, it can refer to the different serializations of a Web Ontology Language (OWL) [H II) ontology according to the Terse RDF Triple Language (Turtle) or Resource Description Framework’Extensible Markup Language (RDF’XML) syntaxes.
resource aggregation (A) Digital resources of diverse types that arc gathered together to form a new complex object. Information is contained in thc resource aggregation for purposes of specifying the categories of and the relationships among the aggregated resources. A resource aggregation may be contained in an exchange file or not, and may be self-contained or rcti.rence resources held in other locations. A resource aggregation may be disaggrcgatcd into its component digital resources, Resource aggregations are stored and processed using system formats (internal representations) and arc usually transmitted between systems using aggregation formats, See also: aggregation format; digital resource. (B) The process of aggregating digital resources so that the result can be used in one or more applications. such as transmission, storage, and delivery to users. See also: digital resource.
scope note: A textual description of the intention of a class or property. Scope notes are not formal constructs but are provided to help explain the intended meaning and application of classes and properties. See also: class; intention; property.
strict inheritance: The inheritance of characteristics by classes or properties that allows no exceptions. See a/so: class; inheritance; property.IEEE 1484.13.4 pdf download.

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