BS EN 17092-4:2020 pdf free
BS EN 17092-4:2020 pdf free.Protective garments for motorcycle riders Part 4: Class A garments – Requirements.
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garment jacket or truuser separate. one-piece or two.piece suit, impact protector ensemble clothing, and other protective motorcycle rider dothing types excluding protective motorcycle rider clothing for the head. neck. hands, or feet
3.1.1 class A garment clothing otkrlng a minimum necessary degree of protection 1mm impact and from abrasion using materials and construction that meet lower requirc’mrnts than for parts 2 and 3 oF this standard
3.1.2 jacket gannent constructed to provide protective coverage for the upper part of the body generally From the neck to the waistline or below. including the arms
Note Ito enby- A system to link 11w jacket to trouss’rs may be present.
Note 2 to etiy For two-piece suits, jadieta are the part of the suit that provide protective coverage for the
epper part of the body. generally from the neck to the waistline ne below. Including the arms.
3.1.3 trousers (including salopettes) garment constructed to provide protective coverage from the area of the ankles up unfli the top of the hips or above
Note I to r.tiy A system to link 11w trouser, to jackets may be present.
Note 2 to eetry For two-piece cues. Imucers are the part of the tuit that provide prnterliv coverage generally from the ankles up until the top of the iups or above, including the area of the pelvis and buttocks.
3.1.4 one-piece suit single garment constructed to provide protective coverage generally from the ankles to the neck. induding the arms
3.1.5 two-piece suit garment constructed in Iwo pieces: an upper part, providing protective coverage far the upper part of the body including the arms and a lower part, providing protective coverage for the lower part of the body generally to the ankles, with a system that joins the two pieces thereby, creating a single garment. wiflch essentially provides the protective coverage of a one-piece suit.BS EN 17092-4 pdf free download.