BS EN 13611:2015 pdf free download
BS EN 13611:2015 pdf free download.Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels – General requirements.
4 Classification
4.1 Classes of control
For classificahon of controls, see the specific control standard.
4.2 Groups of control
Controls are grouped according to the bending stresses which they are required to withstand (see Table 4).
Group 1 controls
— Controls with connection sizes up to and including DN 20. for use in an appliance where they are not subjected to bending stresses imposed by installation pipe work or in an installation if used with rigid adjacent supports.
Group 2 controls
— Controls for use in any situation, either internal or external to the appliance, typically without support.
NOTE Controls which meet the requirements of a Group 2 control also meet the requirements of a Group I control.
4.3 Classes of control functions
For the evaluation of protective measures for fault tolerance and avoidance of hazards it is necessary to classify control functions with regard to their fault behaviour.
At the classification of control functions their integration into the complete safety concept of the appliance shall be taken into account,
For the purpose of evaluating the design of a control function, present requirements recognize three distinct classes:
Class A: Control functions which are not intended to be relied upon for the safety of the application. NOTE I Examples are: room thermostats, temperature control.
Class B Control functions which are intended to prevent an unsafe state of the appliance. Failure of the control function will not lead directly to a hazardous situation.
NOTE 2 Examples are: thermal limiter, pressure limiter
Class C: Control functions which ace intended to prevent special hazards such as explosion or whose failure could directly cause a hazard in the appliance.
NOTE 3 Examples are: burner control systems. thermal cut-outs for dosed water systems (without vent protection).
4.4 Types of DC supplied controls
DC supplied controls according to Annex I will fall into one of the three following types:
Type A: Stand-alone battery systems:
Type B: Battery systems for mobile applications;
Type C: Systems which are intended to be connected to DC supply networks.
5 Test conditions and uncertainty of measurements
5.1 Test conditions
Except where otherwise stated, the tests shall be carñed out
— with air at (20 ± 5) °C,
— at ambient temperature (20 ± 5) °C.
All measured values shall be corrected to standard conditions:
15 °C, 101,325 kPa (1 013,25 mbar) dry.
Controls which can be converted to another gas type by exchanging components are additionally tested with the conversion components.
Tests shall be carried out in the mounting position as stated in the installation and operating instructions. Where there are several mounting positions, tests shall be carried out in the least favourable position. Where possible those tests already covered by other standards (e.g. by relevant parts of prEN 60730-1:2013) shall be combined.
All measurements shall be made after stable conditions have been reached.
5.2 Uncertainty of measurements
Except where otherwise stated in the particular clauses, measurements shall be carried out with the maximum uncertainties indicated below:
— Absolute pressures ± 500 Pa or ± 4 %, wtiichever is greater;
— Relative pressures ± 50 Pa or ± 2 % of the measured value, whichever is greater (e.g. gauge pressures or differential pressures):
— Flow rate ± 3 % of the measured value;
— Leakage rate ± 10 cm3!h (The apparatus shown schematically in Annex C or another device giving equivalent results is used.).BS EN 13611 pdf download.